Teachers and Day-Care Providers

Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission Defense Lawyers

In order to protect Utah children, teachers and other childcare workers are often subject to careful supervision by authorities. The Utah State Office of Education empowers one of these authorities, the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission (UPPAC) to review criminal allegations against teachers.

Under UPPAC’s rules, all teachers must report certain criminal accusations or arrests to the Commission. The Commission investigates all reports at formal hearings at which the government will prevent evidence and testimony regarding whether the teacher should be allowed to work with children.

Based on the hearing evidence, the Commission will consider whether to impose a punishment on the teacher, including license suspension or revocation.

Mandatory Arrest Disclosures

Teachers must disclose arrests that involve several types of arrests and allegations, including:

This mandatory disclosure applies even if the police drop charges or if a prosecutor decides not to proceed with a criminal case – the UPPAC still insists upon holding a hearing in most cases.

Professional Consequences Of A Criminal Accusation

In many cases of false accusations, the UPPAC will agree with law enforcement authorities that punishment is inappropriate because the teacher did nothing wrong. Even in these cases, however, the teacher’s arrest record will still exist.

A future potential employer will likely see this record as part of a background check – jeopardizing the teacher’s future employment prospects.

Salt Lake City Professional Licensing Defense Lawyers With A Proven Track Record

Do not navigate the professional licensing system alone. At Greg Smith and Associates, our attorneys have established an excellent reputation in numerous encounters with licensing boards, including the UPPAC. Our credibility goes a long way when negotiating on behalf of Utah professionals.

To schedule a free consultation to talk about the individual facts of your case, call our office at 801-651-1512 or contact us online today. We have locations in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah.

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7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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