When Your Career Is On The Line
Criminal accusations can have a profoundly negative impact on anyone. For Utah professionals, the consequences can be even more severe — professional licensing boards often step in to impose additional penalties that can jeopardize a defendant’s job and future career prospects.
The Salt Lake City defense lawyers at Greg Smith and Associates can help professionals defend their licenses before disciplinary review boards.
Who We Represent
We handle cases involving all types of professional licenses issues. Our clients are doctors and dentists who may face charges of, for example, improperly prescribing painkillers to a patient. Nurses and medical assistants, similarly may face charges of pocketing a prescription when one goes missing. Even a small unintentional mistake can have significant career consequences for accountants and other financial professionals.
Since the financial crisis, there has been greater scrutiny on real estate and insurance professionals for evidence of fraud or other wrongdoing. We step-in in these cases, and in others where professionals face the loss of a license, and potentially, a career. Allegations of sexual misconduct, drug abuse or other charges can wreak havoc on the careers of chiropractors and physical therapists, as well as mental health professionals and, of course, teachers. Previous allegations of drunk driving, similarly, can negatively affect a professional driver’s ability to find work.
Our lawyers have successfully represented numerous professionals in a wide range of cases. Our lead attorney Greg Smith has prosecutorial experience and a deep familiarity with the other side’s tactics and techniques. Our firm can put this experience to work during hearings at the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing, to seek the best possible outcome in any case.
Free And Flexible Consultations • Around The Clock, Including Evenings And Weekends
To speak with an experienced professional licensing defense lawyer, contact us online or call us at 801-641-3397. Our lawyers are available 24/7, including evenings, weekends and holidays. We know how important your career prospects are to you and will work hard to protect your future.