Most people who are accused of poaching and wildlife crimes in Utah have no criminal record and did not realize they were doing anything wrong. Many hunters make the mistake of speaking with Wildlife Resources officers before consulting with an experienced attorney because they do not realize the magnitude of the criminal charges they could face.
Do not make this mistake. Contact our firm online or call our office at 801-651-1512 before submitting to an interview with a Wildlife Resources employee or a police officer.
The attorneys at Greg Smith and Associates defend Utah residents against all types of poaching and wildlife charges, including:
- Transportation of protected wildlife
- Taking of protected wildlife while trespassing
- Wanton destruction of protected wildlife
- Habitual wanton destruction of protected wildlife
- Waste of wildlife
- Ecoterrorism
- Interference with hunters or hunting activity
- Wanton destruction of livestock
Our lawyers are well-respected throughout the state for the vigor with which we defend our clients. Our lead attorney, y, has prosecutorial experience and knows the tactics that the other side may use in your case.
The law firm of Greg Smith and Associates handles wildlife cases involving all Utah parks and recreational areas, including the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest and East Canyon State Park.
Possible Penalties for Utah Poaching Crimes
There are many possible penalties and fines associated with poaching crimes. The type and size of fine depend on an individual’s charges and the types of animals involved.
Typically poaching crimes that involve big game animals can be charged as felonies that carry significant prison sentences, fines and restitution payments. Other charges such as interfering with a legal hunt can be considered infractions and carry minimal fines.
Do not risk jail time or substantial fines by defending yourself against poaching crime charges. Contact us online or call our office at 801-651-1512 to set up a free consultation regarding your wildlife crimes case.