Salt Lake City Evading the Police Lawyer

Utah Eluding the Police Attorney

Trouble has a way of compounding when police and young people clash. What begins as an attempted traffic stop because of speeding, reckless driving or a burned-out taillight may progress rapidly to suspicions of drunk driving, underage DUI, charges of driving with a suspended license and/or charges of eluding or evading a police officer.

Or you may have been accused of eluding or evading a police or peace officer when cops arrived at a party and you ran out the back door. The police arrived announcing that they wanted to talk to everyone, and you left.

Perhaps you were in a minor fender bender, thought you and the other driver were finished talking about the incident, and drove away right as police arrived at the scene of the accident. They may say you were guilty of a hit-and-run or failing to report an accident to law enforcement.

“I didn’t realize the police were trying to pull me over” is a story we often hear from people charged with eluding or evading a police or peace officer.

Were You Charged With Evading a Police Officer?

Regardless of what happened, the circumstances or your belief as to whether you committed wrongdoing, you are encouraged to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Resist the temptation to try to explain yourself further to the police after they have charged you with eluding or evading a police or peace officer.

Talking to the police, even if they call you after the arrest and ask you to come to the police station for a few questions, is a good way to land in jail or worse. Rather, inform the police that you will be represented by a lawyer — and contact Greg Smith and Associates.

We are here to offer those who need our advocacy the benefit of our experience, understanding and service. We regularly advise other attorneys and share our insights with the public.

Free Consultations · 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week

If you are facing charges of evading a police officer, contact us online or call 801-651-1512. Our lead attorney, Greg Smith, has prosecutorial experience and knows what common tactics law enforcement will use to attempt to convict you. Remember that every question that a police officer asks may result in serious consequences.

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7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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