Defending Allegations Of Lewd Conduct

Sex Crime Defense From Experienced Salt Lake City Attorneys

According to Utah law, “lewd behavior” is any conduct that is intended to stimulate sexual interest. But what exactly that conduct is may very well be in the eye of the beholder. Simply on the word of one person who may have an ulterior motive, you could be charged with lewd behavior for:

  • Exposure of genitals
  • Voyeurism (peeping)
  • Masturbating in public
  • “Public” sex
  • Sex in front of a child (even if it is accidental)
  • Unwanted touching (sexual battery)

In Utah, people have been charged with lewd behavior for having sex in a secluded outdoors location, for nude sunbathing on their own fenced property, even for “public” nudity in their own home because they were visible from the street.

Other People May Judge You, But We Won’t

At the law office of Greg Smith and Associates, we make sure no client faces the powerful arm of the law without an equally powerful defense. We will fight hard for you, whether your case is in criminal court or juvenile court. Our sex crime defense attorneys have prosecutorial experience, and one was even a police officer trainer.

For a strong defense against criminal charges, contact a Salt Lake City lewd behavior defense lawyer at Greg Smith and Associates to schedule a free consultation. You can contact us online or call us at 801-651-1512.

A lewd or lascivious conduct charge does not have to ruin your life. Our attorneys provide strong defense without judgment.

Lewd Conduct With A Minor

“Lewd” behavior with a child can be accidental or intentional. It can be intentionally sharing pornography with an underage person or unintentionally leaving adult material where children can find it. Or a criminal charge could be brought against a stepparent who didn’t lock the door and a child walked in and found him or her masturbating.

An ex-spouse can make a lot of trouble by bringing allegations of lewd conduct to the police as a way to harass a former partner. It will be important to examine the motives behind hurtful criminal allegations.

Lewd Conduct Penalties

If convicted of lewd conduct, you may be eligible for a sentence of mandatory counseling and probation for a first offense. A second or subsequent offense will likely bring jail time and large fines.

Contact An Experienced Salt Lake City Defense Attorney

Contact an SLC lewd behavior defense attorney at Greg Smith and Associates for a free initial consultation by calling 801-651-1512 or emailing us. We protect the rights of clients accused in Salt Lake City, Provo, Orem, Park City and surrounding communities in Utah.

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7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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