Utah Breaking and Entering Lawyer

Salt Lake City Trespassing Attorney

Breaking and entering charges are sometimes brought by police against strangers found ransacking a house or garage — and sometimes they are more aptly described as domestic incidents between ex-spouses, former lovers, or friends or roommates who became enemies.

You may have been charged with breaking and entering when your roommate attempted to kick you out and you did not immediately comply. Your name wasn’t on the lease, and arguments became estrangement – leading to criminal charges when your roommate changed the locks and you came in the house through an open window or by forcing a screen door open. Whether you allegedly committed theft or not does not affect the charges of breaking and entering.

Or you attempted to retrieve your belongings from your own house after your wife or husband obtained a restraining order against you, and breaking and entering charges have been added to enhance the charges of violating the restraining order.

Breaking and entering may involve trespassing, forced entry or unauthorized access to any enclosure such as a house, garage, shed, barn, car, mobile home, apartment or boat. Your legal standing in the case of a domestic dispute or a roommate quarrel may be more serious than the charges of breaking and entering.

Were You Charged With Breaking and Entering in Utah?

Talk to an attorney before you accept the accusation without questioning it. And realize that regardless of the circumstances behind the breaking and entering charges, it is worth your best efforts to fight any criminal charges that could leave you with a permanent black mark on your record.

We are here to offer those who need our advocacy the benefit of our experience, understanding and service. We regularly advise other attorneys and share our insights with the public.

Free Consultations · 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week

Our lawyers are ready to talk to you about the steps we will take to defend you in the face of breaking and entering, robbery or any type of stealing charges in Utah. You can contact us online or call us anytime at 801-651-1512.

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7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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