Nurses and Medical Assistants

Salt Lake City Nursing License Defense Lawyers

Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses encounter a wide variety of patient-related challenges. Recognizing the difficult challenges of nursing, the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing carefully monitors all criminal charges against nurses.

When the UDOPL becomes aware of a case criminal case that could raise doubts about a nurse’s professional performance, a review board often begins an aggressive investigation. These boards have broad discretion to impose strict probationary conditions on a nurse’s license.

Any violation of these conditions can result in a suspension or revocation. The professional licensing defense lawyers at Greg Smith and Associates can help.

Prescription Drugs And Controlled Substances Allegations

One simple pattern appears in many cases against Utah RNs and LPNs: a patient’s prescription painkillers or medications disappear without any explanation and the patient blames the nurse. Whether the patient intentionally took too many doses or pocketed the medications to sell later, nurses are all too often left to take the blame.

In cases like this, review boards take any indication of chemical dependency as strong evidence that a nurse did take the missing medications. Something as minor as a previous prescription for prescription painkillers can require a careful explanation.

An experienced professional license attorney can help develop an effective strategy to fight prescription drug charges.

Alcohol-Related Accusations

After a drunk driving arrest, Utah nurses can expect to receive a notice of investigation from a review board. Regardless of whether the DUI allegations prove to be unfounded, the board could impose probationary conditions on a nurse’s license based on any evidence of alcohol dependency. For example, the board could require the nurse to avoid all alcohol and provide laboratory samples on a regular basis.

Our Lawyers Have The Experience And Perspective To Advocate For Your Career

Criminal charges do not have to be catastrophic career events as well.

For a free initial consultation, contact a Salt Lake City professional licensing defense lawyer at Greg Smith and Associates. Our lawyers can evaluate your case thoroughly and provide sound guidance and legal representation. Call us at 801-651-1512 or contact our firm online.

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Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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