Gangs and Juvenile Crime

Utah Juvenile Defense and Gang Crimes

Gang membership has increased significantly in Utah in recent years. Gang membership is typically along racial lines, with geographic borders. Like gang membership in other parts of the U.S., membership often involves wearing certain colored clothing, using certain gestures and displaying certain symbols.

Of course, a lot of teens who are the same race and live in the same neighborhood will have the same habits. That does not necessarily mean they are in a gang, but it can mean they draw more attention from the police.

If your son or daughter has been accused of a crime, the Salt Lake City gang crime defense attorneys at Greg Smith and Associates can help. We are the voice for fairness and justice in Utah adult and juvenile courts. We will work hard to keep your child’s case in the juvenile system. Contact Greg Smith and Associates online or call 801-651-1512.

Is Your Child Being Treated Fairly?

Utah does not have a specific law relating to juvenile gang crimes, but law enforcement does maintain a database of known (or suspected) gang members and has police officers who work solely in the area of gang-related juvenile crimes. These police officers are sensitive to behaviors they consider to be signs of gang membership. That can result in police paying extra attention to a juvenile because of the friends he or she hangs with or the clothes he or she wears.

  • It can mean that your child gets pulled in and charged with a crime when others in the same group are known to have committed the crime.
  • It can mean that your child is more likely to get charged as an adult rather than as a juvenile.

Was your son being pressured by an adult to commit a crime? Often, adult gang members target people as young as elementary school age who they can use to commit crimes such as drug running. The young person will take the fall and the actual drug dealer goes free.

We work to protect your son or daughter from unfair criminal charges and the negative consequences they can have on his or her life.

You can count on our firm for a strong defense. We regularly advise other attorneys on critical issues in criminal law.

Contact an Experienced Utah Gang Violence Lawyer

Contact an SLC juvenile crime attorney at Greg Smith and Associates for a free initial consultation. We protect young people accused of juvenile delinquency, drug crimes and violent crimes in Salt Lake City, Provo, Orem, Park City and surrounding communities in Utah. Set up your free consultation by calling 801-651-1512 or contacting us online.

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Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
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