Salt Lake City Conspiracy Charges Attorney

Even a minor role in an illegal fish and wildlife operation can result in serious federal and state charges. One common charge brought against Utah residents is conspiracy. A conspiracy occurs when a Utah resident agrees to commit a criminal act with one or more other people and someone takes a step in the furtherance of that act. Conspiracy charges are often brought against individuals when prosecutors do not have solid evidence of any direct wrongdoing.

Are you being investigated by wildlife officials because a member of your hunting or fishing party committed a poaching crime? Did you learn that a friend moved a boat that may have contained mollusks? If a Wildlife Resources officer begins asking you questions about your hunting, hiking or fishing activities, ask to speak to a criminal defense attorney immediately. Many individuals will attempt to tell their side of the story to wildlife officials and end up facing criminal charges because they are misunderstood. Do not take this misstep.

Contact Our Federal Hunting Crimes Law Firm

The wildlife crime defense attorneys at Greg Smith and Associates represent those who have been accused of poaching in all Utah parks and forests, including Cayonlands National Park, Thousand Lake Mountain, Arches National Park and Bonneville Salt Flats State Park. We know how to successfully defend hunters and fishers against federal poaching crimes, including conspiracy charges.

Contact us online or call our office at 801-651-1512 to schedule a free consultation about your poaching crimes case. We are available for weekend and evening appointments for your convenience. We also represent individuals across the state, from Logan to St. George.

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
Salt Lake City Law Office Map

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