Salt Lake City Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Utah Drug Distribution Attorney

In the ongoing war on drugs, drug trafficking or distribution is treated as if it is an attack on America itself. A conviction for drug trafficking or drug smuggling can result in mandatory prison time, usually of many years. When you face drug trafficking, drug distribution or drug smuggling charges in Utah, you need experienced legal defense.

Contact the Salt Lake City drug trafficking lawyers at Greg Smith and Associates by calling 801-651-1512 or emailing us. We make sure no client faces the powerful arm of the law without an equally powerful defense. Our Utah drug crime defense attorneys were trained in prosecutors’ offices, and one of our attorneys is a former police officer trainer. We know how to fight serious drug crime charges.

Factors That Can Increase Criminal Penalties

The penalties for drug trafficking or drug smuggling will vary according to:

Those charged with drug trafficking often face additional criminal charges for involvement in a criminal enterprise. These charges include:

If guns were found at the time of the arrest, weapons charges may be brought as well.

Seizure of Assets in Utah Drug Cases

In many cases involving drug trafficking and distribution, law enforcement officers will seize assets that they say were gained with “drug money” or were used in the commission of a crime. They can legally take cars, money and other assets, often without any proof that the asset was gained from or used in criminal activity. This can be a tremendous financial burden for the family members of a person accused of a crime. It is possible to fight government seizure of assets.

Contact a Drug Crimes Defense Law Firm

When you call our firm, you can speak directly with a criminal defense lawyer, day or night, weekends and holidays. You can reach us by calling 801-651-1512 or contacting us online.

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
Salt Lake City Law Office Map

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