Legal Defense Against Solicitation and Prostitution Charges
Utah is one of the most conservative states in its laws and social values. Misdemeanor charges of prostitution or solicitation of a prostitute are taken seriously by prosecutors and the community expects a full prosecution of charges. A conviction for prostitution or solicitation can result in your name being placed on the Utah sex offender list and possible jail time.
At the law offices of Greg Smith and Associates, our sex crimes attorneys have been earning a reputation for tough, honest and successful legal defense since we opened our doors in 1993. Our lead attorneys have prosecutorial experience, and one has trained police officers, so we know what tools the other side will attempt to use in your case.
If you have been charged with prostitution, sex with a minor, or solicitation of an adult or a minor for sex, contact a Salt Lake City prostitution charges defense lawyer at Greg Smith and Associates. Call 801-651-1512.
Why You Need Experienced Representation in a Prostitution Case
Assistant prosecutors build their careers by aggressively pursuing convictions in cases where there appears to be no good defense. Prostitution and solicitation charges often result from sting operations, leaving the defendant with very few options but to plead guilty.
At Greg Smith and Associates, we believe you have options. There is always an opportunity for a defense attorney to improve your situation. When we take a case, prosecutors know they are facing a formidable opponent. We know the law, and we know how to prepare a strong case. This can make a difference in pretrial hearings, in the charges that are brought and in the outcome in court.
We have successfully defended people against a wide range of sex crime charges, including:
- Prostitution
- Solicitation
- Solicitation of a minor
- Unlawful sex with a minor
- Statutory rape
Contact an Experienced Utah Solicitation Defense Lawyer
If you have been accused of or charged with a sex crime, contact a Salt Lake City sex crimes defense lawyer at the law offices of Greg Smith and Associates for a free initial consultation at our office in West Jordan or Park City.