Drug Paraphernalia And Criminal Charges

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: Drug Paraphernalia Charges

Drug paraphernalia such as pipes and rolling paper may seem neutral and innocuous in and of themselves. Yet law enforcement agents and prosecutors know that where there is drug paraphernalia, there are drugs. Drug paraphernalia may include equipment used to manufacture, cultivate or ingest controlled substances, including:

  • Pipes used for smoking crack cocaine
  • Rolling paper for marijuana cigarettes
  • Needles and syringes for ingestion of heroin and other drugs injected directly into the bloodstream
  • Small baggies or medicinal bottles obviously used to contain, transport and distribute illegal drugs, including marijuana and other street drugs
  • Water pipes
  • Bongs
  • Roach clips

Drug possession and drug paraphernalia possession charges nearly always go hand in hand.

A favorable outcome in such a case might include dismissal of the drug possession charges, but retention of the drug paraphernalia possession charges, a lesser crime. Obviously, the most desirable outcome is dismissal of all charges — a case result that we actively pursue and often attain on behalf of clients charged with drug crimes.

Free Consultations · 24 Hours A Day, Seven Days A Week

Don’t delay in contacting our Salt Lake City-based drug paraphernalia defense attorneys. You can reach one of our lawyers at any time by calling 801-651-1512 or by contacting us online.

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Midvale, Utah 84047

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