Salt Lake City Prescription Possession Lawyer

Utah Drug Possession Attorney

Were You Charged With Possession of Illegal Prescriptions in Utah?

Your arrest and charges of possession of illegal prescriptions may have come about through a very unlikely sequence of events. You failed to pay parking ticket fines, and a bench order was issued for your arrest. While police were in the process of searching you as they arrested you, they found a baggy filled with prescription medications in your pocket. Outside of the original container showing your name, the doctor’s name, the pharmacy’s name and the name of the drugs, your possession of narcotics, even though prescribed, led to your arrest.

Or you arrived at a hospital for scheduled day surgery and were found to be in possession of illegal prescription drugs. Someone at the hospital notified law enforcement and you were arrested.

Regardless of the circumstances by which you were charged with a drug crime, you now face serious legal consequences. You may have been accused of distribution and trafficking as well, if you shared your prescription painkillers with a friend.

The law firm of Greg Smith and Associates, Criminal Law Attorneys, is here to offer those who need our advocacy the benefit of our experience and proven effectiveness. We have obtained many favorable outcomes for clients who were charged with drug crimes.

Free Consultations · 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week

Contact us night or day, any day of the week. Our lawyers are ready to talk to you about the steps we will take to defend you in the face of prescription fraud charges in Utah.

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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