A Disorderly Conduct Charge Can Be a Big Deal
Sometimes, police officers simply decide that they don’t like a person. The person may not have done anything against the law, but the officers want to charge him or her with something anyway. Frequently, that charge is disorderly conduct.
Because the charge of disorderly conduct (or the similar charge of disturbing the peace) does not sound like serious wrongdoing, some people assume the repercussions of such a criminal charge are not serious.
They are wrong.
Conviction for disorderly conduct can come with steep fines. It will appear on your criminal record, where potential employers can see it when determining whether they should hire you. Police officers will see it in their system. It may impact how they treat you in a routine traffic stop and other situations.
You have the right to defend yourself against disorderly conduct charges.
Contact the Salt Lake City disorderly conduct lawyers at Greg Smith and Associates for a free initial consultation. Since 1993, we’ve been protecting the rights of people accused of crimes in Salt Lake City and surrounding Utah communities. We know how to get results in misdemeanor criminal cases.
Call us at 801-651-1512 or contact us online to set up your free consultation.
What Does Disorderly Conduct Mean?
Police officers like the disorderly conduct charge because it is so poorly defined that they can charge virtually anyone. Anything you do that rubs them the wrong way can be cause for an arrest. Frequently, we see charges of disorderly conduct attached to other issues such as:
- Interfering with an arrest or obstruction of justice
- Failing to obey the commands of a police officer
- Resisting arrest
- Criminal mischief
- Providing false information to an officer
Of course, the situations that this charge can be attached to are limitless. Our lawyers can handle them all.
Contact Our Utah Criminal Defense Attorneys
It is never too early to begin your defense. Contact a Utah criminal defense attorney at Greg Smith and Associates online or call our offices at 801-651-1512 to schedule a free consultation at our West Jordan or Park City office. We are available at all times of the day, every day of the week, and our consultations are always free.