Vehicular Manslaughter Penalties

Criminal Defense When Negligent Acts Result in Vehicular Manslaughter Charges

Car accidents happen, and sometimes people are seriously injured or killed in crashes. The reason why some accidents result in a criminal charge of vehicular manslaughter is that the police have reason to suspect that the driver was acting negligently at the time of the accident.

A driver could be charged with vehicular homicide if he or she was:

The Salt Lake City manslaughter defense lawyers at Greg Smith and Associates fight to protect the rights of people accused of violent crimes in Salt Lake City and surrounding communities. Our lead attorneys have prosecutorial experience, and one was even a police officer trainer.

Vehicular Manslaughter Penalties

Vehicular manslaughter can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony crime. The prosecutor will look at the police report and your driving record when making the decision. If you have prior DUIs or a history of traffic tickets, it’s more likely to be charged as a felony.

Contact our Salt Lake City law office as soon as possible after your arrest. If you are facing misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter charges, the penalty can include jail time; for a felony conviction, you face a prison sentence. We can begin negotiating with the prosecutor to try to get the charges dismissed or reduced.

You can count on our firm for a strong defense. We regularly advise other attorneys on critical issues in criminal law.

Contact an Experienced Utah Manslaughter Defense Attorney

A car accident can turn your life upside down. Contact an SLC manslaughter defense attorney at Greg Smith and Associates for a free initial consultation by calling 801-651-1512 or contacting us online. We protect the rights of clients accused of domestic violence in Salt Lake City, Provo, Orem, Park City and surrounding communities in Utah.

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7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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