Salt Lake City Prescription Forgery Lawyer

Utah Forged Prescription Attorneys

Drug addiction is a powerful force. Once someone has developed a full-blown physical and psychological dependence on a mind-altering substance, the person is likely to be willing to do many things to keep a steady supply of the drug – even if it means committing a crime, putting a family and a future at risk, and risking the loss of freedom itself.

You may have found yourself in this situation when you craved narcotics such as heroin, OxyContin, Percocet or oxycodone. You may have been a patient in a medical clinic, a nurse or medical assistant, a doctor or pharmacist — and the opportunity presented itself to you to obtain drugs by forging a doctor’s prescription or altering an existing prescription to increase the amount.

Now you face serious legal consequences for forging a doctor’s prescription. A determined, experienced criminal defense attorney is your first line of defense. Contact the law offices of Greg Smith and Associates, Criminal Law Attorneys, to learn how we can help you protect your freedom.

Contact Our Drug Crime Defense Law Firm

Whether you acknowledge or deny wrongdoing, your legal situation is serious now that you face drug charges and accusations of fraud. A skilled defense lawyer will examine every angle of your case in pursuit of the most favorable outcome.

We are here to offer those who need our advocacy the benefit of our experience, understanding and service. We regularly advise other attorneys and share our insights with the public.

Free Consultations · 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week

Contact us night or day, any day of the week by calling 801-651-1512 or emailing us. Our lawyers are ready to talk to you about the steps we will take to defend you in the face of forgery and drug crime charges.

We Can Help You Now

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
Salt Lake City Law Office Map

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