Salt Lake City Sex with a Minor Lawyer

Utah Statutory Rape Attorney

Charged With Unlawful Sex With a Minor?

Sex with a minor is unlawful even if it was consensual. For purposes of this law, a “minor” is a person who is 14 or 15 years old at the time the sexual activity described in this section occurred.

Definition of Unlawful Sex With a Minor

Sex with a person below 14 is considered rape in the eyes of the law because a person younger than 14 cannot legally give consent.

A person commits unlawful sexual activity with a minor if he or she has sexual intercourse or sexual contact with the minor.

This is a third-degree felony unless the defendant establishes by a preponderance of the evidence the mitigating factor that the defendant was less than four years older than the minor at the time the sexual activity occurred, in which case it is a class B misdemeanor.

Contact a Salt Lake City Sex Crimes Lawyer

If you are under suspicion or investigation or have already been charged with unlawful sex with a minor, your legal situation is grave and urgent. You are strongly encouraged to contact an attorney with experience handling tough cases such as statutory rape charges.

At the law offices of Greg Smith and Associates, Criminal Law Attorneys, in Salt Lake City, you can count on our attorneys to listen attentively, give you the respect that every human being deserves and offer you the benefit of our experience if you hire us to represent you.

The first order of business will be to determine whether the prosecution can prove the charges against you. Part of this process will most likely include an examination of the credibility of the witness. We will also consider whether the prosecution has sufficient evidence to convict you of the charges.

At the law offices of Greg Smith and Associates, we are advocates, not judges. We skillfully counsel and zealously represent the accused. We advise other attorneys as well as share insights with the public.

Free Consultations · 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week

Contact us night or day, any day of the week by calling 801-651-1512 or contacting us online. Our lawyers are ready to talk to you about the steps we will take to defend you after you have been charged with unlawful sex with a minor.

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7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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