Real Estate and Insurance Professionals

Salt Lake City Real Estate And Insurance License Defense Lawyers

Licensed Utah professionals can face serious career difficulties after a criminal investigation. On top of a criminal proceeding in the courts, real estate and insurance professionals may have to defend their professional licenses from a range of penalties at a Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing hearing.

The criminal defense attorneys at Greg Smith and Associates have the experience and resources to help individuals defend their professional licenses from probationary conditions, suspension periods or even revocation.

Criminal Allegations Can Have Professional Consequences

In the aftermath of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, mortgage lenders and government investigators are paying closer attention to every detail of mortgage applications. Real estate agents can find themselves implicated in a serious mortgage fraud case when a client or another real estate professional makes material misrepresentations on an application.

Similarly, insurance professionals are subject to a complicated network of laws and rules. A relatively minor or accidental violation can bring criminal charges. While the criminal case might have comparatively lenient penalties, a professional licensing board will usually hear of the investigation and consider whether to impose additional punishment.

Real estate and insurance agencies usually conduct extensive background checks when considering whether to hire new professionals. These investigations will uncover criminal records. In some cases, background checks will also reveal an arrest record or the mere fact of an indictment.

Even if the government does not have enough evidence to pursue an indictment, a professional licensing board could also impose serious penalties after an indictment. The Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing is not subject to the usual criminal standard – its panels have broad authority to impose whatever punishment they think is appropriate.

A professional punishment like a suspension or revocation is usually a matter of public record – available to future potential clients, colleagues and employers.

An Experienced Professional Licensing Defense Law Firm Can Help

Don’t let criminal charges ruin your career. Our entire team is dedicated to helping you weather this situation and protect your career.

If you need a Salt Lake City licensing defense lawyer with a proven record of success in similar high-stakes cases before a professional review board, we encourage you to contact Greg Smith and Associates online or call 801-651-1512.

Our lawyers will be happy to provide a free initial consultation based on your scheduling requirements.

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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