Salt Lake City Marijuana Possession Lawyer

Utah Possession of Marijuana Attorney

Have You Been Charged With Possession of Marijuana?

The attorneys at our law firm have seen and handled many situations, including:

  • You were pulled over by police, who found a bag with a tiny amount of pot in your car. You were charged with possession, but the marijuana belonged to a friend whom you had given a ride to.
  • The police found a plastic bag on you and said there was pot residue in it. You were still charged with possession of marijuana.
  • You had marijuana in your possession, but you were charged with possession with intent to distribute.

Whether you’re in one of the situations above or any other, we can help. We are criminal defense attorneys Greg Smith and Associates. You can be confident that we have what it takes to defend your rights.

They Will Work Hard to Prove You Guilty.
We Will Work Hard for Justice.

The other side has one goal: It wants to see you convicted of possession of marijuana. We have seen prosecutors resort to issuing increased charges, such as possession with intent to sell. They think this will make you want to plead guilty to a lower charge. Don’t let them trick you.

Our lawyers know their methods. We know how to fight them. Greg Smith, one of our lead attorneys, has prosecutorial experience. This means we have firsthand knowledge of the opposition. We know how to overcome that opposition.

Caring Attention From Experienced Attorneys

You have the right to be involved in your case. You have the right to know what you are up against. You have the right to know your options and the potential outcomes. Our lawyers will stand by your side to keep you involved.

We believe in returning phone calls and replying to emails. In fact, you may find that you don’t have any questions because we work so hard to proactively answer them. We want you to know what is going on with your charges of possession of marijuana.

Free Consultations – 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week

Contact us anytime by calling 801-651-1512 or emailing us. We are ready to discuss the steps we can take to defend people in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah against charges of possession of marijuana.

We Can Help You Now

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
Salt Lake City Law Office Map

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