Utah Gun Charges Lawyer

Salt Lake City Weapons Charges Attorney

Every American’s right to bear arms is protected by the United States Constitution. Additional constitutional rights come into play if you are arrested and charged with a gun crime.

The attorneys at Greg Smith and Associates are experienced criminal defense lawyers who have made our name by providing aggressive and innovative representation against criminal charges for thousands of people in Utah.

Crimes Committed With Deadly Weapons

If you or a family member is facing a gun offense, you could be charged with violating either state or federal law. Either way, it is a very serious crime because guns, without question, are deadly weapons. The seriousness of your charge and the potential severity of its penalties may depend upon whether you were using deadly force in conjunction with committing another crime, such as assault with a deadly weapon or armed robbery.

Gun charges and crimes committed with firearms carry extreme penalties in every state and at the federal level as well. In Utah, the maximum sentence for armed robbery, for example, is life imprisonment. Even if a gun simply discharges, a penalty for conviction could be up to seven years. Needless to say, gun crimes are taken seriously and vigorously prosecuted, especially when the victim has actually suffered injury.

Other Circumstances

Even people who have lawful permits to carry their firearms can face charges if they do not fully understand the limitations of the permit or when and how they were exceeding its limits.

Even if you believe your charges were a mistake and you sincerely did not mean to break the law, you still need an experienced and effective defense lawyer. Without the advice of qualified counsel, you could be convicted of a serious crime for an honest mistake. The reputation that attorneys Greg Smith and his associates have worked to build over the years as ethical and responsible criminal defense attorneys can make prosecutors more cooperative during negotiations and more likely to listen to your story if we tell it.

Defending Both State and Federal Charges

Whether you or a family member has been charged with a violation of state or federal gun laws, we are qualified to defend you in either state or federal court. We offer clients superior defense strategies and passionate defense, both based on our long experience and singular focus on criminal defense.

Call Us Today

Regardless of what type of gun crimes charges you are facing, you should not risk your future in a complicated and often confusing legal system. Your best strategy is to hire an accomplished attorney who knows the system well. Arrange a free consultation Greg Smith by calling 801-615-1512 or contacting us online. We will defend you both inside and outside the courtroom.

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Office Location
7324 Union Park Avenue
Midvale, Utah 84047

Telephone: 801-641-3397
Fax: 801-255-2134
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