criminal law

More facts surfacing in Lisa Steed scandal

More controversial facts and allegations are surfacing in the Lisa Steed scandal. The former Utah Highway Patrol officer is accused…

10 years ago

Court: gas station assault and rape were not a “single criminal episode”

A Utah man recently lost his appeal of his aggravated sexual assault convictions. The man's convictions stem from an interaction…

11 years ago

Juvenile arrested for ‘swatting’ prank call crimes

Technology has given teens in Utah and around the country unprecedented freedom, but technological innovations also mean that formerly harmless…

11 years ago

Communications Fraud – Everybody is Guilty!

When people meet a criminal defense attorney, they often accost him or her with this question: "How can you live…

12 years ago

Question: How severe can a penalty really be for simply failing to pay child support in the state of Utah?

Short answer: As the case below shows (United States v. Mitrano, First Circuit), you can actually be sent to a…

13 years ago

Can the Police Enter a Home if They Smell Burning Marijuana?

Fairly recently in State v. Duran, the Utah Supreme Court ruled that police officers who smelled the odor of burning…

13 years ago

Insane One Minute, Then Sane the Next: How the Insanity Defense in a Murder Case is Interpreted by Utah Courts

By: Greg Smith and Brett Skidmore Can a person be legally insane one moment, then the next moment suddenly become…

13 years ago

But, Mom, he made me!

We usually laugh when we hear things like that, but there are times when the Court will excuse a person's…

13 years ago

Can the officer pull me over for that when I am driving?

We are often asked when meeting with our clients, "Can the officer pull me over for that when I am…

13 years ago

Interpreting the Law

Courts continually have to interpret the law's meaning, in fact, that is the primary function of the courts. Our elected…

13 years ago