Strong Legal Help When You Need It Most

The American justice system is considered by many to be the finest on earth. It is also extremely complicated. If you or someone you care about has been accused of a crime, you need an experienced attorney working for you. The consequences are too serious to entrust your criminal defense case to anyone else.

We are criminal defense attorneys Greg Smith and Associates. Since we began practicing law in 1993, we have been the lawyers of choice for thousands of people accused of crimes in Salt Lake City and the surrounding parts of Utah.


We have invaluable experience in criminal law on both sides of the courtroom. Attorney Greg Smith received a lot of prosecutorial experience before being sworn in as an attorney. He also prosecuted cases while studying for the bar exam.

Here is what his former boss, D. Davis, former lead prosecutor, said of him: Greg Smith assisted me in Court, with the prosecution work we did as City Attorneys for the City of Mission, Texas. The cases involved traffic violations, assaults, thefts. He also assisted in court appearances. He gained considerable experience in procedure and working with law enforcement officers, methods of presenting evidence, including direct and cross-examination of witnesses, and above all, comprehensive preparation of cases for trial.

Our clients’ legal concerns typically fall into one of the following broad categories of criminal law matters:


We understand that facing a criminal charge in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah is a stressful matter. Our goal is to address your concerns and try to alleviate your fears. We will work hard to help you stay out of jail and avoid fines. We will strive to make sure that the accusation against you does not turn into a conviction and a permanent blemish on your record. We do this because we care.

A Reputation For Professionalism

We have earned an excellent reputation for being fair, ethical and hardworking criminal law attorneys. The opposition knows us. We have established a strong working relationship with them and the other members of the legal community in Salt Lake City and the surrounding parts of Utah. They know how serious we are about getting positive results. Because of this, we are effective at negotiating favorable results without having to go to trial.


Can criminal law attorneys with our level of experience and our record of success also charge reasonable fees?

Yes. We can and we do. Unlike most law firms, we typically don’t even require a retainer! In other words, you can pay as you go, and most of our clients make reasonable payments. And in certain cases, we also do “attorney assisted” low-cost legal work such as divorces and bankruptcies.

Contact Us Now


To discuss your case with our experienced Salt Lake City, Utah, criminal law team,
contact us online or call 801-641-3397. Whether you are faced with a drug charge, DUI, or any other felony or misdemeanor, our lawyers can help.