Push grows for ignition interlock device expansion

The AAA recently announced that it is joining the National Transportation Safety Board in advocating for the expanded use of…

11 years ago

Salt Lake City father arrested for DUI after crash

A Utah father has been arrested for drunk driving after being involved in a minor car accident while driving his…

11 years ago

Utah Man Cited in Motorcyclist’s Death

The Utah highway patrol recently cited a 53-year-old Fruit heights man for "failure to secure a load" after a mattress…

12 years ago

Utah Highway Patrol Officer Violates DUI Policies

A Utah Highway Patrol Officer with a prolific history of making drunk driving arrests recently admitted to violating department policies…

12 years ago

Horizontal and Vertical Gaze Nystagmus Test (The ‘EYE TEST’)

There are several types of field sobriety tests (FSTs) used by law enforcement officers while investigating DUI in Utah. Being…

13 years ago

Do field sobriety tests (FSTs) violate a person’s Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination?

In a previous posting, I wrote about the definition, history and accuracy of field sobriety tests. Now, I would like…

13 years ago

Implied Consent

Assume you are pulled over by a cop, and you are stone cold SOBER. The cop asks you to take…

13 years ago

What Are Field Sobriety Tests?

If you have ever been suspected of driving under the influence (DUI) in Utah, then you have probably had to…

13 years ago

Interstate I-80 in Utah

We often get asked this question: Can the police in Utah pull a person over just because the passengers are…

13 years ago

Presumed Guilty on a DUI?

When you're charged with a crime, you should be innocent until proven guilty. Utah Code of Criminal Procedure §77-1-4 is…

13 years ago